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News & events > Metamorphosis of the Virtual | FR-CN exhibition Shanghai

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05 Jul 2014 - 31 Aug 2014

Metamorphosis of the Virtual | FR-CN exhibition Shanghai

None Miguel_Chevalier Metamorphosis exhib "Metamorphosis of the Virtual 5 + 5” exhibition features virtual and interactive installation art pieces by internationally renowned and emerging Chinese and French artists.  Curated by Paris-based independent curator David Rosenberg and co-produced by Joanne Kim from the K11 Art Foundation, it is showing in Shanghai until 31 August. Conceived as a multi-sensorial experience – simultaneously physical, spiritual and emotional, the exhibition showcases spectacular immersive and interactive installations, with a few of the art pieces especially developed for the chi K11 art museum. Besides, it creates new cultural dialogues among the artists and the community. The exhibition encourages the audience to explore and ponder upon creativity in the five highlighted areas: Flux, Life Forms, Cityscape, Morphogenetic and Avatar. The exhibition features 5 artists from China: Aaajiao, Feng Membo波, Miao Xiaochun, Tsang Kin-Wah, Zheng Da  and 5 from France: Maurice Benayoun, Miguel Chevalier, Pascal Haudressy, Pia MYrvoLD, ORLAN You can read a review of the show at Art Radar Learn more about the K11 Art Foundation IMAGE: Miguel Chevalier, ‘The Origin of the World’, 2014. Image courtesy the artist and K11 Art Foundation.