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News & events > Mondriaan Fund orientation trip 2014 to Korea and Japan

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22 Jan 2015

Mondriaan Fund orientation trip 2014 to Korea and Japan

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In autumn 2014, the Mondriaan Fund organised an orientation trip for visual artists and art mediators from the Netherlands, Denmark, Flanders and Switzerland to Japan and Korea. A travel blog gives up to date details of the places and people they encountered.

The group visited museums, galleries and met people active in the field of contemporary art in Japan and Korea. The blog by the participants gives an up to date picture of the contemporary visual arts scene (curators, institutions, exhibitions, residencies etc.) in Korea and Japan.

Read the Mondriaan Fund 2014 Orientation Trip (Korea and Japan) blog

Each year, the Mondriaan Fund organizes an orientation trip for visual artists and art mediators from the Netherlands to foreign, upcoming and interesting regions. From 1 until 14 September 2014 the travel destinations was Korea and Japan. A group of 16 people took part in the trip, of which 6 Dutch participants. Participating institutes for the 2014 orientation trip were BAM – the Flemish institute for visual, audiovisual and media art,  the Danish Agency for Culture and Pro Helvetia.


The following artists and art mediators from the Netherlands were selected, on the recommendation of an advisory committee, to participate in the 2014 orientation trip: Ksenia Galyaeva (visual artist), Rumiko Hagiwara (visual artist), Juliette Jongma (director Juliette Jongma Galerie), Rob Knijn (artistic director Heden), Wilma Sütö (curator modern and contemporary art Stedelijk Museum Schiedam) and Winnie Teschmacher (curator de Ketelfactory).

Read more about all the participants and take a look at the programme