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01 Oct 2018 - 30 Nov 2018

MOOC - Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals


Subscription for the Museum Sector Alliance (Mu.SA) Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) - “Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals” - is now open.  Are you a museum professional and want to advance your IT skills? Are you thinking of finding your future employment in the museum sector or are interested in cultural management? Then this course might be something for you.

This MOOC has been developed by the Museum Sector Alliance, an EU-funded project partnership of 12 partners from 4 European countries.

“Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals” is especially designed for the museum community, both for professionals as well as students, volunteers or unemployed, who want to pursue their future career in the museum sector. The aim is to support these groups to improve their digital competences and apply these skills in a daily work at the museums.

The Mu.SA MOOC is a flexible, self-paced course that requires learner’s engagement for at most 10 hours per week. The course is delivered in 8 weeks and is organised in modules that will allow students to develop a complete set of digital and transferable competences required for the museum sector. Online tutors will monitor, assist and facilitate learners’ training procedure. Once enrolled, students will have guided access to all videos, quizzes, and assignments. The course is designed as to facilitate active participation, peer-learning and open discussions among the course followers.

After the completion of this course, learners will be able to develop and use digital and transferable competences necessary for professionals working in the museum sector. Beyond the ability to develop digital strategy, digital content or use digital tools and platforms, students will also advance skills like time management, communication, team-working, leadership and creative thinking.

The course is free and open for all. The main language of the training is English, but videos are subtitled in Greek, Italian and Portuguese.  The platform is accessible to anyone following a simple registration procedure.

You can enrol before 30 September 2018.

The MOOC starts in October 2018. Learners who will complete the MOOC and succeed in at least 80% of graded activities are eligible to continue their learning journey by applying for an advanced, six-month specialization course. Selected students can choose focused trainings in one of the emerging job profiles: Digital Strategy Manager, Digital Collections Curator, Digital Interactive Experience Developer and Online Community Manager. Selected group, who has successfully finished both the MOOC and specialisation training, will get the work-based learning in one of the European museums.  

More details about the MOOC is available here and here. Check this video for your learning journey and this website to know more about the Mu.SA project. If you want to be informed about the project activities, subscribe to the Mu.SA newsletter.