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01 Nov 2013 - 03 Nov 2013

Museum conference 2013 | Network of European Museum Organisations

Museum conference 2013 | Network of European Museum Organisations | NEMO

Museum conference 2013

Network of European Museum Organisations

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) Annual Conference will be held in Bucharest, Romania, 1-3 November 2013.

Travel Grants

To  make sure its full members (e. g. national museum organisations or similar umbrella bodies in Europe) are able to attend the conference, NEMO offers limited travel grants. If you are interested, please contact NEMO's office until Friday, September 27, at

How can museums make themselves fit and successful in the future? While their basic tasks won’t change, with whom, for whom, where, when, how and why they perform - these tasks will. The proximity to the audience, to the people-community-citizens, will be a crucial factor for a successful museum in the future.

At this year’s conference, NEMO will focus on aspects that are closely connected with museums’ potential to build on the proximity to the audience:

The Digital Shift

What challenges and which opportunities come along with the digital shift for museums? How can they use ICT in order to connect people to their collections? How do they handle open questions, e.g. with regard to copyrights? For this session, NEMO has invited high-profile speakers, among them are Nick Poole (Director Collections Trust) and Jill Cousins (Director Europeana).

Towards an Active Civil Society

What are the demands and the potential that museums have to help build on an active civil society that relies on reflective citizens, being aware of their rights and responsibilities? Renown speakers including Massimo Negri (Director European Museum Academy) and Jorge Wagensberg (Director Cosmocaixa Barcelona), will speak about their experiences.

The Future EU Culture Strategy

And lastly: What can the EU contribute to help the cultural sector – and in particular museums – serve their communities? How do museums fit into the EU’s strategy for culture? We will hear from Luca Bergamo (Secretary General, Culture Action Europe) culture sector’s initiatives and learn about the new European funding programme “Creative Europe”.

NEMO Museum Conference 2013