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News & events > Netherlands | Fair international cultural cooperation - language | apply to participate

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18 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020

Netherlands | Fair international cultural cooperation - language | apply to participate

Open Call for participants for a gathering on Fair international cultural cooperation - Language organised by DutchCulture in Amsterdam and online. Applications to participate close on July 2nd.

An invitation to participate in the gathering to discuss how international cooperation can be organised in a way that is fair in respect to the usage of language. 

When working abroad and collaborating internationally, cultural practitioners enter a space which is already characterized by cultural differences and structural power inequalities. One of these inequalities arise from the use of language. This can happen in three ways:
1.    The chosen language of communication usually benefits one party over the other.
2.    The used vocabulary is determining how the message is valued.
3.    The meaning of the words used vary depend on one’s cultural background.

International cultural directors, artists, thinkers, scientists, critics, policymakers and funders with a focus on language issues and who are actively invested in the topic of fair international cultural cooperation, are called upon to apply for the gathering on September 18. It will take place physically in Amsterdam and online.

During the gathering in September 2020, we will be asking ourselves: how might we arrange international cultural cooperation’s in a manner that can be considered to be fair with respect to language?

The Open Call is also available in ArabicHindiMandarin and Spanish. In case you are interested please apply via the online form. The gathering will take place in Amsterdam with options to join online.

How to apply

To apply as a participant for the gathering Fair international Cultural Cooperation – Language please fill out the application form. The selection of participants will be made by an external committee. The selection of the participants will be announced before August 1st. The deadline for applications is July 2nd.

There are three options in applying as a participant. Please consider the options carefully and decide what option suits you best.
1. Digital participant in the Language gathering on September 18 (no travelling required)
2. Participant in the Language gathering on 18 September (travelling to Amsterdam required - no financial compensation)
3. Participant in the Language gathering plus the additional programme from 16 - 18 September (travelling to Amsterdam required - financial compensation of 500 euros)*

*Applications with additional programme and financial compensation

In order to ensure a proper global representation DutchCulture has the possibility to financially cover € 500,- airline travel, full accommodation and domestic transport for six foreign visitors during the programme. This option is limited to non-EU/US residents who are skilled in the English language. This option comes with an additional two-day programme in which the participants will have the possibility to expand their network and experience Dutch examples in the field of art and language before they participate in the gathering on Fair International Cultural Cooperation – Language. See more information about Foreign Visitor's Programmes here. Please note that this Foreign Visitor Programme is tailored towards the Fair gathering and altered accordingly.