New Checklist for Museum Collections Management Policy | Finland
The Finnish Museums Association has published the English version of the Checklist for Museum Collections Management Policy. This checklist aims to enable museums to create a collections management policy.
Initially published for Finnish museums, it is now available in English to promote international discussion in collections management development.
A Collections Management Policy is a document prepared by a museum on aims, courses of action and principles of Collections Management and the forms of operation and methods applied in their implementation. A Collections Management Policy document describes the museum's collections management and its related processes. Collections Management Policy is always drawn up from the perspective of the museum in question. The more integrated and accessible the practices, processes and terminology of the collection activities in museums, the easier it will be to engage in other forms of collaboration between museums.
The Checklist was prepared by Project Manager Maija Ekosaari from Museum Centre Vapriikki, Curator Sari Jantunen and Collections Manager Leena Paaskoski both from Lusto, the Finnish Forest Museum in the context of the SAKU Project, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture in 2011-2013. It was first published in Finnish in association with the Museum 2015 project in 2013. The English translation has been made by Jyri Kokkonen and the authors.
The document can be downloaded for free at