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News & events > New Delhi | 13th IAWRT Asian Women's Film Festival

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02 Mar 2017 - 04 Mar 2017

New Delhi | 13th IAWRT Asian Women's Film Festival

The 13th IAWRT Asian Women's Film Festival will take place in New Delhi from 2-4 March, 2017 at the India International Centre. The festival will showcase the works of Asian women Directors living in any part of the world in different genres - animation, non-fiction, short fiction/feature fiction, experimental and student films.  The festival was launched in 2005 and has grown in strength and popularity with film makers coming from all over the world to participate. IAWRT is a global organization of professional women working in electronic and allied media with a mission to strengthen initiatives that ensure women's views and values are an integral part of programming and to advance the impact of women in media. Further information on the programme on the IAWRT India Facebook page