New Narratives in Textile Exhibition | Webinar

Reading Textiles, Weaving New Narratives is an online exhibition initiated by four young curators from Indonesia, Japan, Philippine and Singapore. The idea of the exhibition was conceived during the e-residency Virtual Workings: An e-residency for arts curators from the ASEAN region and Japan, jointly organised by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) and The Japan Foundation, Bangkok (JFBKK). CHAT’s Executive Director and Chief Curator Takahashi Mizuki was invited as a mentor for the topic of ‘Interweave Asian Textile(s) with Contemporary Urgencies’ and supervised the development of the online exhibition through discussions and lectures with the talented young curators.
To celebrate the launch of Reading Textiles, Weaving New Narratives, CHAT invites the curators for a joint discussion in this webinar, with the purpose to map and shape the trajectories of textile exhibitions in the future.
Register to the event here:
Follow the virtual exhibition on Instagram
IG: @reading.textiles
- Date: 24 March, 2021 (Wednesday)
- Time: 7:00-8:00pm
- Venue: Webinar
- Marinella Andrea Mina, Curator, Ayala Museum, Manila, the Philippines
- Tony Sugiarta, Scientist, Batik Artist and Storyteller, Singapore
- Arie Syarifuddin, Jatiwangi Art Factory, Indonesia
- Takahashi Mizuki, Executive Director and Chief Curator, CHAT, Hong Kong
- Tanaka Masako, Curator, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Bruce Li, Assistant Curator, Learning, CHAT, Hong Kong
This webinar is co-presented by The Asia Europe Foundation and The Japan Foundation, Bangkok (JFBKK) and CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile).
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