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News & events > Open Call: Residency at Weltmuseum Wien | Austria

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

05 Sep 2015

Open Call: Residency at Weltmuseum Wien | Austria

Residency at Weltmuseum Wien 1 Weltmuseum Wien, an ASEMUS member, has announced an open call for an artist in residence who will stay in Vienna for two months within the frame of the EU-funded project SWICH - Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage - Ethnography, Museums of World Culture and New Citizenship in Europe. Together with an expert Jury, Weltmuseum Wien will choose one artist. During the residency, the artist will create a context specific installation/object/media piece, which will be exhibited at the time of the museum’s reopening in autumn 2017.  In Vienna, the artist will work on the implementation of his/her project and collaborate closely with the scientific staff of the museum. Weltmuseum Wien is searching for a project that comments on contemporary issues the museum is dealing with such as migration, colonial past of museum collections, cultural diversity and transnational identities in Vienna or new forms of collecting in a post-migrant society. What are – in this context – the missing pieces and untold stories at the museum? Weltmuseum Wien aims at working with an artist who researches similar questions in his or her art practice and can thus engage into a fruitful artistic dialogue with the institution. The residency is expected to take place between January and February 2016. During that period, the artist will be involved in the following activities:
  • development and creation of a work of art which will be exhibited at Weltmuseum Wien at the time of the museum’s reopening;
  • participation in one Lab-Meeting in Marseille (FR) with other resident artists of the SWICH project;
  • public presentation in Vienna during residency;
  • provision of graphic and text material for a publication.
Weltmuseum Wien will offer the selected artist a project budget of max. 11.000 € including artist honorarium and production costs. Additionally, the museum will make available accommodation, travel costs and per diem. Applications should be sent by 13 September 2015. For additional information, please visit