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News & events > PhotoContest | China | Feng Lu | 7 Photos

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16 Aug 2012

PhotoContest | China | Feng Lu | 7 Photos

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Artist statement
My name is Feng Lu. I am an award–winning photographer and designer, currently living and working in New York. I am like a hunter, gathering objects throughout the city. I enjoy juxtaposing different cultures and watching for the point of colision, at which point a third culture is born, and at this point is where my interest lives. In my case, the street photography is like boxing, the strongest one is the best one.

I have been a recipient of numerous awards and grants for my series of work on “New York subway”‚ “telephone”‚ “Coney island”‚ and “2 different worlds”.

I have worked on films in the USA, Japan, and China. 10 years of collections include artwork from three major : West (USA), East (China, Japan), old and new China.

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