PhotoContest | Netherlands | Sander Meisner | 7 Photos
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White noise is a random signal with a flat power spectral density. This means it is the neutral background noise present everywhere in the universe. The series of photographs called “White noise” shows the neutral background noise of the modern (western) world. In these photographs I have documented places that are nothing; they are the insignificant and random by products of the greater processes taking place around them. The photographs depict the sleeping urban infrastructure in which the presence of human existence is only implied through the man-made elements. These are the wastelands, car parks, empty streets, dirty windows, concrete corners and heaps of mud left after the people have moved through. All these images were shot on medium format 6×7 camera’s using Kodak Portra negative films. The negatives were then scanned and digitally processed to look like the analogue darkroom prints made for the exhibtions of the work.
Sander Meisner (Amsterdam, 1979) is a self taught photographer, mainly photographing his own work. He has recently finished his first book (Botanica) which will be released September 2012 through The Velvet Cell editions.
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