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News & events > PhotoContest | Poland | Alicja Dobrucka | 7 Photos

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07 Sep 2012

PhotoContest | Poland | Alicja Dobrucka | 7 Photos

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Alicja Dobrucka

India is a place which photographs extremely well. Everyone, whether a professional photographer or just an amateur, leaves that country with an amazing album to show friends back home.  This is the reason why I have found India very difficult to photograph and didn't actually take as many pictures during my 3 months there as I had initially planned.

India is a country of contrasts. It is a cliche, but it is true. One only understands it once you have visited it at least once.

During my stay in Mumbai, I was living with a Parsi (a Zoroastrian). I was let into the rich day to day life of this India minority. We have also travelled to Delhi and Goa.


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