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News & events > Pusan International Film Festival

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07 Oct 2010 - 15 Oct 2010

Pusan International Film Festival


The Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) in Korea, one of the leading film festivals, is celebrating this year its 15th anniversary and will present films in different sections, detailed below.

Gala Presentation Gala Presentation screens master cineaste’s new or the year most-talked-about films, or world/international premieres

A Window on Asian Cinema A showcase of brand new and/or representative films by the talented Asian filmmakers with their diverse point of views and style

New Currents The only international competition section featuring the first or the second feature films by the future leading directors of Asian cinema

World Cinema A presentation of new works by world renowned filmmakers along with the year best films that will help in understanding of the recent trend in world cinema.

Korean Cinema Today This section presents the year’s best features by Korean directors, introducing the current trend of Korean cinema

Korean Cinema Retrospective Re-shedding on the history of Korean cinema by spotlighting the films by a certain notable director or a significant theme

Wide Angle A section dedicated in showing the outstanding short films, animation, documentaries, and experimental films presenting different and distinct vision via broader cinematic viewpoints

Open Cinema A collection of new films, combining both art and mass popularity, along with internationally acclaimed works, are shown at the unique outdoor screening venue

Flash Forward Flash Forward is set to discover yet-surfaced cineastes and create buzz among the young film generation. This section is an eclectic collection of first or second films of up-and-coming filmmakers from non-Asian countries.

Special Programs in Focus A retrospective and/or a special showcase of films by a certain notable director or genre.

Midnight Passion Midnight Passion presents horror, sci-fi, and cult films selected for entertaining value from all over the world to meet the audience at night.

The festival is also organising the Asian Film Market, which will run from October 11th to 13th.