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News & events > Re-open Europe web portal launched

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17 Jun 2020

Re-open Europe web portal launched

Re-open Europe, a European Union-led data-sharing project to reboot tourism as lockdowns lift has been launched.

The interactive tool provides you with the information that you need to confidently plan your European travel and holidays, while staying healthy and safe. Among other information, you can check whether museums and heritage sites are open in the different European countries.

Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, said:

“After weeks of confinement, EU internal borders are reopening. The Re-open EU website we are launching today will provide travellers with easy access to information to help them confidently make their travel plans and stay safe during their trip. It will also help small restaurant and hotel owners, as well as towns across Europe, draw inspiration from innovative solutions developed by others.”

The European Union, and all of its member states, are planning for a safe re-opening of Europe. While protecting the public health remains our priority, we want everyone to enjoy their holidays, to reunite with family and friends, and to be able to travel for any purpose.

The app and website provide travellers with real-time information about coronavirus rules and the status of infections in each European country. 

The information is frequently updated and available in 24 languages for your convenience.

According to a news report, the UK has chosen not to participate in this information tool.