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News & events > Report: "Museum of the Future: Insights and Reflections from 10 International Museums"

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

28 Jun 2017

Report: "Museum of the Future: Insights and Reflections from 10 International Museums"

  The European project "Mu.SA: Museum Sector Alliance" addresses the shortage of digital and transferrable skills identified in the museum sector, trying to close the gap between formal education and training and the important ICT-related needs in the professional world. MuSA is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme and involves 12 partners in 4 European countries. Two of those partners, Symbola and Melting Pro, have recently produced a report entitled Museum of the Future: Insights and Reflections from 10 International Museums. The report includes contributions from 10 European museums, including the Victoria and Albert Museum, an ASEMUS member, as well as Musée du Louvre, Museo del Prado, Hermitage and Rijksmuseum, among others. Participating museums are asked questions such as the following:
  • What will happen to museums when digital technology shows its full potential?
  • What features will the museum of the future have? How will it seize the opportunities offered by digital innovation?
  • What competencies does this industry need to keep museums relevant from the 20th century to the present?
Findings of this report and of other research activities conducted in the context of the Mu.SA project will lead to the design of training activities adapted to the identified needs. The report Museum of the Future: Insights and Reflections from 10 International Museums can be downloaded for free at For additional information about the Mu.SA project, please visit