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News & events > SEADOM Southeast Asian Directors of Music meet

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24 Apr 2015

SEADOM Southeast Asian Directors of Music meet



The SEADOM Southeast Asian Directors of Music held their 2015 congress in Quezon City in March. The programme explored the implications of the ASEAN Economic Community on music and music education in the region. The winner of the SEADOM Composition Competition 2015 was announced with the winning piece by Thai music student Piyawat Louilarpprasert introducing the congress.

The SEADOM Association grew out of an initial idea by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sugree Charoensook, Dean of the College of Music, Mahidol University, Bangkok to hold a conference of Asian music administrators where ideas, friendships, and collaborations could be formed. This original meeting was held at the College of Music, Mahidol University in 2008. The original invitations to the meeting were extended throughout Asia, but the responses of interest were most strong in Southeast Asia, and that group decided that Southeast Asia should be the focus of attention for the association as it moved forward. Since 2008, SEADOM congresses have met in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines

SEADOM Composition Competition 2015 was won by Piyawat Louilarpprasert, a student at the College of Music Mahidol University in Bangkok for his new piece for symphonic band entitled 'Travelogue'. This highly textural piece evokes the sonorities and landscapes of Southeast Asia and was an appropriate introduction to this year's congress. Piyawat was invited to attend the premiere of his work in Manila.

Membership of SEADOM falls into two main categories - membership enquiries are welcome!

Active membership 
Designated representatives [one per institution] from music schools (conservatoires, colleges,academies or university departments/faculties, etc.) in ASEAN countries and other equivalent institutions in Southeast Asia, in which full time opportunities exist for students to engage in education and training for the music profession.

Associate membership 
Representatives from institutions, organizations and individuals who have a keen interest in the evolution of an international network for representing the education and training of music professionals in the Southeast Asian region.