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News & events > Shanghai - Brussels | EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture exhibitions

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15 Sep 2015 - 15 Dec 2015

Shanghai - Brussels | EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture exhibitions

None slide-exhibition-3 Brussels and Shanghai are hosting simultaneous exhibitions on the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies Van Der Rohe Award. One of the most prestigious in the world, the Prize is granted every two years by the EU's Creative Europe Programme and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation to acknowledge and reward the best of European architecture. The exhibitions provide insights into the contemporary architectural trends shaping European cities, aiming to improve the spaces where people live, work and socialise.

Made in Europe at SUSAS, Shanghai

The first Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2015 (SUSAS), with “Urban Regeneration” as the theme and “Boosting City with Culture and Building City with Art” as the concept, aims to forge the brand of urban space art event which is international, public and practical and promotes the transformation of Shanghai. The main exhibition and forum will be unveiled at West Bund Art Center on September 29. There will be included the special exhibition “Made in EuropeExhibition of 25th Anniversary of EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award which will present the most outstanding architectural works of Europe in the past decades. The Shanghai exhibition runs to 15 December 2015

Travelling Exhibition: “European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2015” in Brussels

After the premiere in Barcelona, the exhibition of the 2015 edition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award begins an international travel starting from BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. The Brussels exhibition runs to 1 November 2015 After Brussels the exhibition will travel to many other places in Europe and worldwide with the aim of disseminating the quality of contemporary architecture in Europe. Read more about the exhibitions on Creative Europe