Singapore | Environmental Visions | symposium
Environmental Visions is an international symposium on the theme of "revealing the environment with art, science and technology", to be held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore from 24-26 January 2014.
Speakers - curators, artists, scientists, new media specialists - are attending from many countries.
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From Flaherty’s study of the Inuit environment, to the Apollo 17’s Blue Marble photograph, to recent art and science expeditions to the Antarctic, and to data visualizations and sonic representations of geomagnetic storms, wind, climate; locative media, and many other innovative new forms, artists and scientists have been framing, revealing and exposing a wide range of phenomena from and about the environment. In such projects, the role of technology is more than instrumental and often dictates the way each artist and scientist perceives reality. This conference gathers artists, technologists and scientists to share their investigations, appropriations, uses, creations, developments, or inventions that led them to reveal, analyze and disclose the nature of technology as an all-encompassing way to exist in the world.
Film and still camera technologies, optical versus atomic force microscopes, bio art, code, open source software and hardware, generative forms, radio waves, data visualizations, databases narratives, ludic interfaces, mobile media and networks are only some of the technological frameworks that will be observed more closely in order to continue revealing the beautiful and fragile environment around us.
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