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News & events > [Singapore] Research Fellowship Grants 2013-2014

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17 Sep 2012

[Singapore] Research Fellowship Grants 2013-2014

The Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore The Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore (ACM) is doing an open call for applications for their research fellowship grants for 2013-2014. The museum invites researchers to apply for fellowships in Peranakan material culture, Christianity in Asia (up to 1800), or areas related to the museum’s collections in general, including Buddhist studies. The ACM prizes multi-disciplinary work, cross-cultural studies, and research on ongoing projects at the museum. The geographical areas of research should be Southeast Asia, South Asia, China, or the Islamic world. The research fellowships support in-depth original study and writing on specialised aspects of Asian culture. Applications will be screened by a committee of curators and scholars.
Please visit for more information. To learn more about the ACM collection, visit, which presents over 12,000 objects from the collection.  
For enquiries, please contact Applications close on 1 January 2013.