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News & events > South Asian Digital Arts Festival | de<confine> 2021

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10 Nov 2021 - 30 Nov 2021

South Asian Digital Arts Festival | de<confine> 2021

<de>confine 2021, a South Asian Digital Arts Festival, curated by Media Art South Asia, under the Novembre Numerique initiative by the Institut Français, will hold its second edition across South Asia and online from 10 to 30 November 2021. 

Last year, the first edition of <de>confine comprised of a month-long digital exhibition with 14 international artists, a workshop, and 15 conversations on evolving digital cultures. The festival reached an audience engagement of more than 200,000 people. Following this, <de>confine aimed at stronger regional cooperation in the subcontinent, while focusing on themes such as digital technologies, New Media Art in South Asia, and heritage.

The festival will be held in a hybrid format this year, holding events in both physical and virtual spaces. Physically, the festival will take place across cities in South Asia. The physical events include an augmented reality exhibition with paintings by Beatrice de Fays in Hyderabad and a collaboration with French festival Courant 3D which will take place in the form of a travelling VR exhibition in three Indian cities. Virtually, the festival website will host several projects in three broad categories: Curated Digital Exhibition on the theme “Technology as Institution”, French Digital Corner, and Featured Projects from the subcontinent that engage with evolving digital cultures. 

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