Southeast Asia Creative Cities Forum: 8 & 9 December. During the Chiang Mai Design Week, 3-11 December, Creative Chiang Mai together with the Thailand Creative & Design Center (TCDC), the Chiang Mai University Science & Technology Park (CMU STeP) and other partners, will be organizing several events on 8 and 9 December as the “Southeast Asia Creative Cities Forum”.
“Design and co-create your city” - 8 December
In this forum, a community of experts, urban change makers, technology entrepreneurs, architects, social entrepreneurs and designers from Thailand, Southeast Asia and beyond will be brought together to share their experience on how to make and design better cities, co-create new spaces and neighborhoods, promote creative entrepreneurship and industries in cities, pilot green and sustainability city projects, and implement other creative and innovative initiatives to make cities attractive, smarter, dynamic and inclusive.
The 10-12 speakers will be invited from the Southeast Asia Creative City Network, TCDC, the Pan Asia network, the regional TEDx community, Global Thinkers network, and other partner organizations. The focus will be on speakers involved in real projects and presentations will focus on case studies, obstacles and how to. Presentation will be in a focused and well-prepared TEDx style format. During the coffee break, participants will have the opportunity to network with the speakers and conduct a short group exercise. The seminar will be conducted in Thai and English with the MC providing short summaries.
The Southeast Asia Creative Cities forum will provide excellent opportunities for local and visiting designers, makers, creative people, buyers, and others from Southeast Asia and beyond to meet, exchange ideas, and explore collaboration opportunities.
Event schedule
08 December - Public Seminar: Design and Co-create your city AM
08 December - Chiang Mai Design Award Ceremony EVENING
09 December - Workshop/Meeting: Design and Co-create your city AM
10 December - Workshop/Seminar: Take the Leap: contemporary product design and development PM
In addition, the event organisers are supporting the Chiang Mai Mini Maker Fair (near Sunday walking street) on 11 December 2016
For more information about the Southeast Asia Creative Cities Forum, please visit or the organizers page:
For more information about Chiang Mai Design Week, please visit: