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News & events > Summer School: Southeast Asia in Context | Singapore

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

22 Jun 2015 - 25 Jul 2015

Summer School: Southeast Asia in Context | Singapore

Summer School Southeast Asia in Context - FASSTrack Asia Summer School Southeast Asia in Context - Fieldtrip to Java The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) offers, since 2013, a summer school entitled FASStrack Asia. The next edition will take place between 22 June and 25 July 2015. Among the courses offered is "Southeast Asia in Context", a five-week exploration of Southeast Asia's cultural and historic diversity, hosted by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies at NUS in collaboration with the International Alliance of Research Universities Global Summer Program (IARU GSP). Much of the learning in the "Southeast Asia in Context" programme takes place outside the classroom, in parks, archaeological sites, cities, villages, markets, and restaurants. The highlight of the course is a 10-day fieldtrip to Myanmar or Indonesia, where students will be exposed to local cultures and will be engaged in on-site lectures by both the course instructors and local experts. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2015. For additional information, visit and