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News & events > Sustainable Cultural Policy and Cultural Management in a Globalized World

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15 Dec 2011 - 04 Oct 2017

Sustainable Cultural Policy and Cultural Management in a Globalized World

None [caption id="attachment_17769" align="alignright" width="360" caption="Goethe Institute Hanoi"][/caption] The Goethe-Institut in Hanoi, Vietnam, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture MoCST Vietnam and with the participation of the Institut Francais - L'Espace and the British Council is organizing a two-day conference on "cultural policy and cultural management" from the 15th to the 16th of December 2011. The Conference aims to address questions like: What models exist to promote cultural activities by the state and build a cultural infrastructure that is open to all citizens and contributes to the quality of life in major cities? How can private sponsors be found for preferably long-term investments in the cultural sector, and what possibilities for public-private partnership have already proven effective? Speakers from France, Britain and Germany will address these questions from their own perspectives, comparisons with Vietnam and other Asian countries will be drawn and EU funding programs for cultural cooperation will be presented. Vietnamese and European experts will discuss factors for successful innovative cultural policy, which could be of interest to Vietnam's dynamic development. Katelijn Verstraete, Assistant Director of the Asia-Europe Foundation will make a presentations on "Arts Funding in Asia" and "EU Funding Programmes in Culture ". She will introduce the newly launched research on "Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia" and the recently launched World Cultural Policies Database project ASEF is involved in.  (make links to the two articles) The Opening speech will be delivered by a representative of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, MoCST and other participants at the podium include:
  • Anne-Marie Autissier, Euromedincultures, Paris, France
  • Simon Farley, Business Development Manager, British Council, Thailand
  • Dr. Patrick Föhl, Scientist and Advisor for Cultural Management, Berlin, Germany
  • Katelijn Verstraete,Assistant Director, Cultural Exchange Department, Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore
  • Marc Gegenfurtner, Department of Culture of Munich, Germany
  • Dr. Nguyen Van Tinh, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, MoCST
  • Dr. Ho Viet Ha, General Director of Dept. of Planning and Finances in MoCST
  • Dr. Luong Minh Viet, Lecturer, National Academy of Public Administration
  •  Mr. Pham Nguyen Hong, Deputy Director Dept. of Sell Promotion, Vietnamairlines
  •  Mr. Ngo Hoang Quan, Deputy Director of the Department of Performing Arts, MoCST
Conference languages : English (French, German), and Vietnamese with simultaneous translation. Please register by Monday 12.12.2011 with Mrs. Thuy,, Tel.: (04) 3734 2251.