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News & events > Sweden's Culture Council awards for artists' sanctuary projects

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06 Feb 2018

Sweden's Culture Council awards for artists' sanctuary projects


In its last grant allocation for refugee artists and sanctuary projects, the Culture Council in Sweden shared nearly 1.5m SEK between nine different projects. The projects include: Uppsala municipality's project National Coordinator for Sweden's Residences, Malmö City of ICORN General Assembly 2018 and Baltic Art Center, which has a project with the refugee artist Fikret Atay.

The Culture Council in Sweden has chosen to prioritize applications that strengthen national coordination between the Swedish settlements, increase the artist's ability to participate and participate in the artistic and cultural public sphere; debates, seminars, readings, meetings, exhibitions and other public events, activities that support the invited artist's own creation as well as efforts to promote the refugee artist's participation in artistic and social contexts.

The Bohusläns Museum Foundation also receives grants for the fees and expenses of refugee artists' participation in a project aimed at carrying out an exhibition at Bohuslän Museum, which raises the profile of sanctuary work both globally, nationally and locally.