Switzerland | FOODCULTURE days biennale Chapter 2

With and for everyone, FOODCULTURE days is a catalyst for discussions and artistic, political, social and ecological demands. The 2nd part of the FOODCULTURE days biennale 2020-21 takes place in Vevey, Switzerland and online May 27-30.
Created in 2017, the project offers a program of events and a biennial seeking to (re) discover the multiple functions of daily food, as well as the tangible or imperceptible impact of our individual choices on the global environment. From transdisciplinary perspectives, food is considered as a nutritious, ideological, conceptual or even metaphorical medium, approached through the specificities of each artist, researcher, activist, intellectual and guest chef.
Based in Vevey (Switzerland) and with international influence, foodculture days creates bridges around common questions, at a time when ecological problems affect an ever-increasing number of living organisms and when collective consciousness is rising to try to 'understand these questions.
This second part of the 2020-21 biennial aims to democratize practices and support projects that reflect the reality of our time. Artists, scientists, activists, thinkers, cooks, citizens and producers of culture are invited to present their works from May 27 to 30, 2021, in a hybrid version : part of the projects will be activated in Vevey (Switzerland), base of the food culture days, and part of the biennial will also take place online, both via a digital platform and a participatory public program, which invites the community to participate. engage in 15 open dialogues.
Chapter 2 reflects the ongoing transformation of Swiss and international artists, collectives and professionals with whom foodculture days has been working since 2019. Their proposals reflect the urgency of ecological and social concerns increasingly expressed in the whole world.
Moving away from a Eurocentric vision, and leaving room for a (bio) diversity of voices, experiences and perspectives, temporalities intermingle: the gestures of the past, whose repercussions still vibrate, nourish a present that questions future potentials. Materials take hold of the city: architecture becomes edible, the water from the fountains turns into an urban river, and the supermarket into the theater of our land. They are transformed into subjects of inquiry and sensitive explorations to imagine liveable futures for the greatest number, and not for a few.
Chapter 2 also takes the form of a printed version at the invitation of the Berlin street newspaper The Arts of Working Class. For the May / June issue, titled "Food Eats the Soul", foodculture days produced the 16-page supplement, revisiting the archives of our previous editions, extrapolating new from old and inviting thinkers. s that revolve around the subjects to add their voices.
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