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News & events > Switzerland Guest of Honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019

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27 Feb 2019

Switzerland Guest of Honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019

Switzerland is guest of honour at the 2019 Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the most important trade event for children’s, youth and picture books worldwide. It is a key do for authors, illustrators, publishers and booksellers in the field, and this year’s edition, 1-4 April 2019, is again expected to attract around 27,000 visitors from over 60 countries.

For Switzerland, this represents a unique opportunity to present its vibrant and innovative children’s and youth book scene. The centrepiece of its programme as guest of honour is an exhibition showing the works of 26 contemporary Swiss illustrators. In addition, the «Bolo-Klub», a group of young Swiss artists, will be converting the «Scuderia» in the centre of Bologna into an off-space studio and place of encounter. There are also various cultural events planned at different locations in the city of Bologna before the beginning of the fair itself, including the «Notte del racconto» (storytelling night) in 13 libraries. Numerous Swiss illustrators, authors of children’s books as well as booksellers and publishers will also be making the trip to Bologna.

Switzerland’s programme as guest of honour has been organised by the Swiss Booksellers’ and Publishers’ Association (SBVV), with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia as main partner.

2019 Bologna Children's Book Fair