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News & events > Sydney | Jogja Calling exhibition

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22 Oct 2016 - 17 Dec 2016

Sydney | Jogja Calling exhibition

None jogja-calling_preview_docuphoto-5-copy Sydney’s 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art exhibition “Jogja Calling” showcases the friendships and critical dialogues developed between Indonesian and Australian artists. The exhibition runs till 17 December 2016. Sydney’s 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art features the work of Australian artists Abdul Abdullah, Briony Galligan and Reko Rennie, and Indonesians Leonardiansyah Allenda, Arwin Hidayat and Uji Handoko Eko Saputro aka Hahan. The exhibition “Jogja Calling” opened at Sydney’s 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art on 22 October 2016, and brings together the work of six artists who are firmly connected to Jogja (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Three of these artists call Jogja home whereas the other three are Australian artists who have completed residencies, or spent prolonged periods of time there, in recent years. The exhibition will run until 17 December 2016.

Jogja is a city on the Indonesian island of Java that is well known for its lively and experimental contemporary art scene. It is home to important artist collectives such as the Cemeti Art House and Mess56. The Jogja Biennale was established in 2009, and ArtJog, Jogja’s art fair established itself in 2008 and is a testament to the thriving contemporary art scene there. Over the last few decades, greater numbers of international artists have been working in Jogja, developing not only their artistic practices but also networks and friendships with local Indonesian artists. The friendships that have evolved through this process greatly inform the curatorial framework of “Jogja Calling”.

Read a great review of the exhibition on Art Radar (source of this article)