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News & events > Sydney Opera House targets high environmental sustainability standards

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11 Aug 2016

Sydney Opera House targets high environmental sustainability standards



The Sydney Opera House will target a 5 Star Green Star Performance rating, recycle 85 per cent of operational waste and work to become carbon neutral by 2023, its Environmental Sustainability Plan 2017-19 has revealed.

“If the Opera House can go green, anything can go green”

In an article originally written for The Fifth Estate on the Asia-Pacific Eco-Business site entitled 'Sydney Opera House Ups Environmental Ambitions':

Sydney Opera House chief executive Louise Herron said in 1954 former NSW Premier JJ Cahill had described the ambition of the building “to help mould a better and more enlightened community”.

“The Environmental Sustainability Plan we are launching today is part of achieving that ambition,” she said, with the 2023 goals coinciding with the building’s 50th anniversary.

“We take our responsibility to the community seriously, and we are proud of all the Opera House has achieved since our first Environmental Sustainability Plan in 2010, including $1 million in electricity savings, increasing our operational waste recycling rates from 20 to 65 per cent, and making Vivid LIVE carbon neutral for a number of years.”

Other goals included in the plan include a seven per cent reduction in carbon footprint and 14 per cent cut in energy use by 2019, an 80 per cent construction recycling rate, improving staff sustainable transport use, and committing to four “Ideas at the House” events that relate to sustainability.

Green Building Council of Australia chief executive Romilly Madew said the Opera House had shown that “even the most challenging, iconic and historic buildings can be sustainable”.

“If the Opera House can go green, anything can go green,” Ms Madew said.

Read full article by Cameron Jewell for The Fifth Estate and on Eco-Business

IMAGE: Vivid LIVE, an artist curated festival, created and produced by Sydney Opera House. Image: Luke Chapman, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0