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News & events > Thailand | Art of Story-Telling Workshop | 1st International Story-Telling Festival

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01 Feb 2013 - 03 Feb 2013

Thailand | Art of Story-Telling Workshop | 1st International Story-Telling Festival


Celebrate the power of Stories and Storytelling @ Mahasarakham University in North East Thailand, on 1-3 February 2013. SEAMEO SPAFA will run an Art of Story-telling Workshop training for teachers and students.

Thailand’s First International Story-telling Festival takes place at Mahasarakham University 1-3 February. The event comprises the following planned activities:
  • 2 keynote addresses
  • 11 master class workshops on various aspects of folktales and the art of story-tellingand more
  • Two Story-telling Showcases
  • Story sharing and swap
  • One Story-telling Concertby traditional and international Story-tellers
  • A Story-telling Contest of Budding Story-tellers
  • A folktale-based picturebook contest
  • One story-telling concert by international story-tellers and award winning story-tellers
Workshop/Training: 1-3 February 2013 (3 days) Workshop description: This is the first of two workshops on the art of Story-telling planned as components of SEAMEO SPAFA’s project on “Stories from Southeast Asia’s Revealed”under the Centre’s 6th Five-Year Development Plan (2012-2016).  The first workshop was scheduled for early 2013; however, upon being informed by Mahasarakham University that it would host Thailand’s 1st International Story-telling Festival in February 2013, the benefit of reaching a much wider audience by joining forces with Mahasarakham University has resulted in making this workshop a part of the said festival. Background Information: The inclusion of story-telling techniques in teaching methodologies, regardless of the discipline, is quietly but quickly gaining currency as its benefits are now being recognized by educators in many fields.  The problem is that most people feel inadequately trained to use story-telling as a teaching tool.  The Art of Story-telling Workshops would seek to begin to address this perception, and provide training for teachers at secondary and tertiary levels.  Although stories have always been around, many are not recorded because they belong to predominantly oral traditions.  The Art of Story-telling workshop would seek to record stories previously not found in print, that emanate either from people themselves or from material sites displaying visual depictions that tell a story or are in fact representative of a historical, archaeological, or social story. Objectives
  1. Train teachers and students in the art of story-telling
  2. Record oral stories that are not found in print.
  3. Highlight the importance and significance of traditional stories through story-telling performances
Target Group/Beneficiaries: At least 300 participants comprising teachers, students, story-tellers, and the general public.  Participants will include at least 20 ASEAN youths with interest and commitment in maintaining and revitalizing folktales and the art of story-telling, 100 MSU students, 10 international story-tellers, 20 traditional story-tellers, 50 educators, and 100 school teachers and children, and interested persons. Collaborators
  • The Pure Thai Project, Mahasarakham University’s International Affairs Division, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty, Mahasarakham University
  • The Research Institute of Northeastern Arts and Culture, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • The Central University of Jharkhand, India