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News & events > Thailand | Group exhibition at Jim Thompson Art Center on human displacement in Asia

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21 Mar 2024 - 02 Jun 2024

Thailand | Group exhibition at Jim Thompson Art Center on human displacement in Asia

From 21 March to 2 June 2024 the Jim Thompson Art Center in Bangkok will hold the group exhibition ‘Nomadic’. 

Nomad refers to individuals who lack a fixed habitation and instead move from place to place. Appropriating the concept of nomadic existence, this exhibition reimagines the fluidity of one's identity and the multitude of homelands, which are fundamental conditions of Asia. The notion and composition of Asia are intertwined with the histories of human displacement.

The exhibition has artworks by participating artists from Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong and more, exploring and highlighting the histories of human displacement in Asia. The exhibition aims to mediate discussions surrounding the current circumstances of Southeast Asia and Hong Kong and to render imaginary one another’s reference points in the region. 

There are a series of opening events to meet the artists and the curator: 

21 March 2024, 4–6pm: Exhibition Opening, Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok

  • 4pm: Curator tour by Dr. Vennes Cheng (the tour will be conducted in English.)
  • 5pm: Performance by Hong Kong artist Law Yuk Mui
  • 6pm: Opening Reception

23 March 2024, 2–4pm: Exhibition talk ‘Human and Displacement: Conversation between artists and curator’

Nomadic exhibition details