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News & events > The Inclusive Museum Conference 2018: Call for Papers

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

23 Sep 2017

The Inclusive Museum Conference 2018: Call for Papers

The 11th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum will be hosted by the University of Granada and held in Granada, Spain, on 6-8 September 2018. Founded in 2008, the International Conference on the Inclusive Museum brings together a community of museum practitioners, researchers, and thinkers. The key question addressed by this annual conference is: How can the institution of the museum become more inclusive? In this time of fundamental social change, what is the role of the museum, both as a creature of that change, and perhaps also as an agent of change? Organisers invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops and interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. The conference features research addressing a set of regular themes and the 2018 Special Focus: "Inclusion as Shared Vision: Museums and Sharing Heritage." Themes that can be addressed in papers and sessions include the following:
  • Visitors - the relation of museum to its community of users, including visitor diversity, defining museum stakeholders and measuring participation, the politics of heritage, multilingualism, gender and sexual orientation, disability, and the education and communications role of museums, among others.
  • Collections - the practices and processes of collecting and curating, including the changing work of the curator, exhibition didactics, authenticity, technologies, arts in the museums, the process of acquisition, etc.
  • Representations - museums as repositories and communicators of culture and knowledge, including museums as knowledge makers and as cultural creators, architectonics of museum buildings, research and investigation, intellectual property, digitisation, virtual museums, new literacy, etc.
Furthermore, a small number of Emerging Scholar Awards will be given to outstanding graduate students and emerging scholars with an interest in the conference themes. Conference partners include the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum (iiiM), the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the University of Granada. An initial deadline for submitting proposals has been set for 6 October 2017, although it is likely that new deadlines will be established later. For additional information about the Inclusive Museum Conference 2018 and the related call for papers, please visit