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News & events > Third Culture Kids of Asia - online forum

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01 Oct 2020

Third Culture Kids of Asia - online forum

TCKs of Asia is an online public forum where 'Third Culture Kids' share Stories from Asia. The forum has hosted various public debates on issues around growing up as a 'Third Culture Kid'.

On October 6th, you can join a free online forum discussion: A Foreigner in My Own Family - The Hidden Loss of Language & Intimacy

From the earliest age, children get their cultural cues from their parents, who are important anchors and mirrors for a child’s identity. But when a child’s strongest language is different from that of one or both of their parents — and because language and culture are so closely intertwined — it can create a sense of cultural disconnection that can affect the parent-child relationship, even into adulthood.

In this open forum, we will hear from a few Third Culture Kids about how becoming fluent in English or losing their home language complicated their relationship with their parents, their home culture and their sense of identity.

The TCKs of Asia site has information resources, podcasts and you can catch up with previous recorded forums.

'TCKs of Asia is a group of adult 'Third Culture Kids' and expats who met at the Families in Global Transition Conference in Bangkok in April 2019. We had a shared passion of wanting to draw out the hidden voices among TCKs. We also discovered a strong desire and need among educators, counselors, and others who work with TCKs to understand the growing number of Asian students (who may or may not have grown up moving around) that they service in their international schools and elsewhere.