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16 Jan 2012

Top 2011 comments on

None [caption id="attachment_18287" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Word cloud created from top comments,"] comment word cloud[/caption]

In the past it was the Letter to the Editor that allowed people to share their views. Now, online, it is often the comments section that enables people to become part of the conversation.'s mandate is to connect Asia and Europe (Australia, Russia & New Zealand) through arts and culture. Its content received more than seventy comments in 2011.

By reviewing the top comments received in 2011 connections and sharing can be seen.

1. Art as a tool for development: searching for new social solutions

Kudos to the author!!! Powerful idea!

Art has transformative powers that can help transcend one's condition from suffering to happiness. This is one of the channels that people can actualize themselves without necessarily getting money into the picture.

It also has the power to connect people. If there's connection amongst people, what else can one ask for?

 This author thought about putting an abstract idea to bring about something concrete to give the power back to the people! I am happy that these ideas are proliferating only through enlightenment of the authors like this one. Congrats! All my my support!

                                               Rodolfo Rabonza

2. An introduction to Australian cultural policy

I enjoyed the article and thought it very fair, but the international side is missing - Australia's population of 22million spread across a huge area separate from the rest of the world means that communication with 'others' is central to most artists' (and indeed most people's) desires. It means international engagement is more important than say, in Europe, or even in Asia where countries are so close. There is also no policy in this area - indeed it mirrors the internal issues outlined here.

                                         Alison Carroll

3. Measuring the impact of cultural policies

Interesting piece. We tried exploring causation. Our figures for museums and libraries in England don't prove such causation. But they show that for the cultural sector to diversify their sources of funding, they need seed funding from government.

Javier Stanziola, University of Leeds

4. Role of culture in society: Asian perspectives and European experiences

Thanks for this, interesting stuff. A big question for me is how the culture-of-the-collective is getting reshaped.. whether we're talking about interdisciplinary work, or social justice or paradigms of development, reflecting on how the collective is being trampled by the rush towards the individual is an important aspect i feel.. particularly in urban spaces and minds... Read more>>>


5. Rethinking Museums | the Kiran Nadar Museum in New Delhi

We applaude the start of the Kiran Nadar museum. Art museums must also be supported by government as important cultural institutions also versed in conservation...Public-private associative ventures would be a positive, like our project Kochi Art and Science Space, India.

6. Crowdsourced funding for the arts

Check out Field Theory in Australia - artist-run alternative funding model supporting 4 artists per year:

                                                          Martyn Coutts

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