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News & events > Transfer project links Germany's NRW region and Korea

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31 May 2012

Transfer project links Germany's NRW region and Korea


»Transfer Korea-NRW« is the latest edition of a multi-year international art and artist exchange set up in 1990. In 2011-13 it links the North Rhein-Westphalia region of Germany with South Korea in an intensive programme of artists exchanges, exhibitions and dialogue.

The 9th »Transfer«, initiated and run by NRW KULTURsekretariat, is linking in 2011-2013 with the exciting art-country South Korea, and in particular the metropolis of Seoul. Now this multi-year international art and artist exchange programme is taking a big step forward. At a press conference in the Goethe-Institut in Seoul actors from North Rhine-Westphalia and Korea presented the complex project, its participating institutions and the selected artists, seven each from South Korea and North Rhine-Westphalia.

This edition will once again concentrate on promote artists and converging different art scenes. »Transfer« wants to point out cultural contrasts and correspondences, thereby stimulating a intercultural dialogue. Together, the many participants will set off a dense and intensive process – with sustainable effects extending far beyond the project itself. Dr. Christian Esch, Director of the NRW KULTURsekretariat: »While Korea has long since been familiar with Western art, thrilling and dynamic Korean art scene, with its own unique pieces, has yet to be discovered in Germany. Even the choice of artists by the numerous experts and jurors in the dynamic field of identity and difference between two cultural worlds has led to intensive dialogue. Most importantly, however, there has been an interested connection between people and institutions that will serve as the basis not only for the period of this art and artists' exchange, but also for developments that go way beyond it.«

»Transfer Korea-NRW« begins with targeted research and a search for partners in the host country in 2011. In November 2012 a panel of expert judges chooses the 14 artists from both countries, based on proposals by experts in the late summer of 2011. All of the selected artists are invited in May and June 2012 to the cities involved in Korea and North Rhine-Westphalia. Here, everyone gets to know each other and the artists are also exhibited to the public in the partner institutions.

During the second half of 2012, the two-month artists’ residences take place in their respective partner country. There, partner museums, but also local artists and creative artists, support the scholars and actively involve them in the scene of their temporarily adopted city. A programme of background events offers further opportunities to get to know the current »Transfer«, its artists and their work in more detail. While the Korean artists will be in Bonn, Düsseldorf and Hagen from mid-August to mid-October, the German artists will be the guests of Seoul from mid-October to mid-December.

To conclude, independent yet interlinked exhibitions will be held in the partner institutions from October 2013 to the start of 2014 in Korea and NRW, featuring works by the »Transfer« artists. In addition to exhibition catalogues, a multi-lingual catalogue will document the creative exchange process.

In previous years, »Transfer« project has set up artistic links and exchange programmes between NRW region and Turkey and France.

Image: Seung Jung

This news came from Llobet&Pons (Thanks!)