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News & events > U40 | Cultural Diversity 2030 | website launched

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04 Nov 2013

U40 | Cultural Diversity 2030 | website launched


logo-u40-enThe International Network U40 "Cultural Diversity 2030" has recently launched its website. The U40 idea is to give a voice to young experts (under 40) in the implementation and promotion of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

The 2005 Convention is a complex tool to promote cultural diversity. Stakeholders such as governments, civil society or cultural practitioners are challenged by the task of translating these broad political ideas into ground realities. Nonetheless, the Convention’s immediate and long-term objectives can only be achieved through the active involvement of all its stakeholders.

The U40 network launches with this new tool a channel to communicate about the organisation and disseminate its activities. The website contains a section on Convention-related resources and themes, thus contributing to the Network's objective to foster a better understanding and implementation of the Convention.

The U40 Network is an independent civil society network. It represents a concrete step towards the implementation of the Convention, by stimulating debates and ideas to better formulate cultural policies for cultural diversity throughout the world.