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News & events > UNESCO Cultural Heritage Protection Handbooks Series

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05 Jun 2012

UNESCO Cultural Heritage Protection Handbooks Series

Security at Museums
UNESCO’s Movable Heritage Outreach Programme aims to inform museum staff, visitors, the owners of collections and the wider public about the protection and safeguarding of different types of movable cultural property and increase awareness of the appropriate management of collections. The Programme has produced a series of cultural heritage protection handbooks on the appropriate preservation, handling, documentation and promotion of moveable cultural heritage in different museum contexts. Handbooks on risk management, collection storage and preventive conservation are also available, with further titles planned.
Each handbook, illustrated throughout, clearly explains measures museum staff should take to ensure the proper conservation of collections. They are available in a variety of languages, with English, French and Arabic as reference texts, as well as in other non-European languages. The handbooks are written in an accessible, easily understood style designed efficiently to convey key messages. They are simple to reproduce, notably by photocopying, and users of the handbooks are encouraged to translate them into further languages should they so wish, the aim being to make them available to as wide an audience as possible. The following titles can be downloaded in various language combinations from the UNESCO Movable Heritage Outreach Programme site:
  • Security at Museums
  • Care and Handling of Manuscripts
  • Documentation of Artefact Collections
  • Disaster Risk Management for Museums
  • Handling of Collections in Storage
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