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News & events > UNESCO-ICOM Museum Studies Training Package

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28 Nov 2012

UNESCO-ICOM Museum Studies Training Package


The protection of museum collections has been constantly on the agenda since UNESCO’s foundation in 1945. In the midst of rapidly-developing communication tools and an ever-evolving interaction of cultures and people, museums remain a testimony to human creativity. In recent years, UNESCO has been increasingly solicited in different fields of museums studies. In particular, the growing interest in the protection of museum collections has been triggered by the implementation of major UNESCO operational projects in post-conflict situations such as in Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan.

We are aware of vital need for consolidating national human capacity as well as updating techniques and methods of interventions.
These publications and the training programme are designed for responding to the needs of:
  • New or future museum professionals who need to be familiar with basic knowledge for running a museum;
  • Experienced professionals and technicians specialized in one of the many areas of museum practices who wish to enlarge their field of interests, by introducing them to responsibilities and work of colleagues who are professionals in others fields;
  • Staff of museums in general for whom the publications would be valuable resources for internal discussions;
  • Governing authorities to assess current staff performance and to be helped to develop the future policy and direction of their own institution.
Download the Museum Studies Training Package from UNESCO's website. The publications are available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Russian.
Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook