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News & events > UNESCO survey on the status of the artist

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02 Aug 2022

UNESCO survey on the status of the artist

UNESCO has launched a global consultation on the implementation of the Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist, adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in 1980.

The 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist calls upon all UNESCO Member States to improve the professional, social, and economic status of artists through the implementation of policies and measures related to fair remuneration, social security, employment, income and tax conditions, mobility, and freedom of expression

This global consultation will serve as an important diagnostic exercise to monitor the current state of implementation of the 1980 Recommendation and assess the progress that has been made in translating its principles into concrete measures. 

The aims of the consultation 

  • Map and monitor the policies and measures developed by Member States, NGOs and INGOs 
  • Identify challenges and opportunities faced by Member States, NGOs and INGOs and their specific capacity-building needs to revise existing laws and policies, 
  • Collect and share best practices that illustrate how the provisions of 1980 Recommendation can be translated into effective policies, measures, and initiatives to support artists and the emergence of sustainable cultural ecosystems

How will the results be used? 

The contributions will help UNESCO identify the challenges faced by artists worldwide and analyse policy-making trends and developments related to the status of the artist. The information gathered will be presented in a consolidated report that will be examined by the Executive Board at its 217th session and transmitted by the UNESCO Director-General to the 42nd session of the General Conference. 

The results will guide UNESCO’s future interventions in this area, enabling it to develop tailored tools and programmes to safeguard and promote the status of the artist around the world.

Fill in the survey in English or French

There are three versions of the survey for different stakeholders: 

Survey deadline: 15 November 2022