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News & events > U.R {BNE} Brisbane 2012 | urban design and architecture film festival

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06 May 2012 - 27 May 2012

U.R {BNE} Brisbane 2012 | urban design and architecture film festival

None The UR{BNE} Film Festival, a series of free films screened at the State Library of Queensland is inspired by “a passion for making urban design more exciting, engaging and accessible to the public, and using film as a way to rethink issues and start critical conversations”. Selected Short films (opening night and weekly films)  The short films are a mix of documentaries and animations that introduce new themes, great organisations and projects to audiences. The short films will be shown before feature films on opening night and weekly films.
  1. Emergency Shelter (Sydney) by QUT School of Design (Architecture) 
  2. Little Big Brisbane by Medium Wide Shot
  3. Pinburgh by Doug Cooper
  4. Hong Kong Honey by HK Honey
  5. Lost Tribes of New York (animation) by London Squared Productions
  6. PF1 MoMA (New York) by Work Architecture Company
  7. Future Cities by Squint Opera
  8. Global Cities by Squint Opera
  9. Dublin Fruit Market by Squint Opera
  10. This is Where We Live by 25th Estate
  11. Toronto Tempo by Ryan Emonds
  12. Willamsburg Walks by Project for Public Spaces
  13. Mirco-Urbanism by Clear Village
  14. London Farmhouse Tower by Miles Langley/ Catrina Stewart
  15. Next Generational Planning by DLGP and Council of Mayors
  16. Venice Biennial by Heat Architecture (DEEDI)
  17. Community Growth (1959) by Urban Land Institute
  18. SSBx Street Furniture by Pratt Design Incubator
-- Brisbane’s first festival specifically focused on designing the built environment will be held in May 2012, aligned with the AIA National Conference and the Urban Design Alliance Symposium. The month-long festival hopes to “create greater public involvement and understanding of how urban places are designed” and will include a variety of activities and events such as forums, workshops, exhibitions, walking tours, car park parties and film festival.