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News & events > Videologue exhibition in Singapore

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19 Jan 2012

Videologue exhibition in Singapore

None Curated by visual artists Urich Lau (Singapore) and Cheng Guangfeng (Beijing), this second edition of the “Videologue” exhibition series features works by eight participating artists from Singapore, Beijing and Tokyo. A critique of contemporary urban changes and displacement, the exhibition also explores the human dilemma and disassociation that comes with geological, territorial and cultural shifts.

Videologue is a neologised term from the words ‘video’ and ‘dialogue’ – suggesting the form of communication through video art. The exhibition/exchange project was conceptualised in 2010 by Lau and Guangfeng, as an artist-initiative to create a platform that connects artists from different cities with video art.

The inaugural exhibition was first realised in Beijing on March 2011, hosted by Sunshine International Art Museum. It focused on the commentary exchanges between the artists of both cities, on the critique of contemporary urban changes and displacement.

On January 2012, Videologue: Beijing – Singapore – Tokyo continues to explore the issues concerned, and on the situations of the human dilemma and disassociation in geological, territorial and cultural shifts as interpreted by the participating artists.

Participating artists are  Urich Lau, Lim Shengen, and Teow Yue Han (Singapore), Cheng Guangfeng, Han Tao, Li Ning, and Shen Shaomin (China), and Tetsugo Hyakutake (Japan).

The exhibit will run from 20 January to 19 Feb, 2012 (except Mondays) at the ICA Gallery 2, #B1-06, La Salle Singapore.  Hours are from 10am to 6pm.  Admission is free.