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04 Oct 2012

Vietnam Writers Association launches translation centre


The Viet Nam Writers Association launched a translation centre in September to help promote Vietnamese literature abroad.

Literature critic and translator Pham Xuan Nguyen spoke to Culture Vulture (Vietnam News) about translating literature from and into Vietnamese.

What do you think about the quality of literature translation?

Translating literature is growing rapidly. I cannot imagine Vietnamese literature if it lacked literature translated from and into Vietnamese. However, the development of literature translating has caused some outstanding issues.

At present, there are too many publishers, book companies and translators engaged in translating literature. It leads to an uncontrolled market.

As a critic of translated literature I see many mistakes in the translated works. While I think a small number of mistakes is acceptable, 10 mistakes on a translation page is too many. Even people speaking in the same language are sometimes misunderstood. I think there is not a perfect translation in the world. Vietnamese translators are hard working. They should be recognised because they are not forced to work with linguistics.

Translating literature needs three types of people: translators, editors and critics. At present we are lacking editors and critics. A translated piece of literature needs to be edited by a group of foreigners at the publishers before printing. After that, the works should be criticised seriously. The progress will make translators and publishers work carefully.

The ministry of culture and publishers should be responsible for the translation of literature.

Read the full interview with Pham Xuan Nguyen

Image: Indochina Writers Conference (held in Danang city, Vietnam in September 2012)