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News & events > VSMM 2014 – 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia | Hong Kong
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09 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014
VSMM 2014 – 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia | Hong Kong
The 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM) will be held in Hong Kong 9-12 December. The Call for Participation (till 4 September) and Registration are now open. VSMM addresses museum professionals among others. The theme for the 2014 conference is ‘Image & Archive’.
VSMM is a premier world forum for the presentation of research on 3D acquisition, multimedia visualization, interaction technologies and their applications. Known for its multidisciplinary approach, VSMM has become a bridge between technology, art, history, science and engineering.
The deadline has now been extended for the Call for Participation for the 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia to be held at City University of Hong Kong, 9th to 12th December 2014.
Please submit your abstracts online before Thursday, 4th September 2014.
VSMM 2014, will be held at the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC), City University of Hong Kong from 9th to 12th December 2014. The Conference will be co-hosted by the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in partnership with the Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation, (CCCDI), University of Malaya.
Download the Call for Participation Flyer or visit the VSMM 2014 website for more details.
The theme for the 2014 conference is ‘Image & Archive’. Archives serve as basic tools for social accountability, the preservation and dissemination of historical memory, and the development of a richer understanding of cultural, social and political forces in an increasingly digital and networked world. Image & Archive focuses on technical aspects of the digital image and, on the numerous ways in which digital archives have become sources for innovation and dissemination.
Over the last decade technical advances including diverse areas in imaging technologies have allowed us to capture the world at increasingly high resolutions and contributed to vast reservoirs of data. New developments in social media and crowdsourcing have resulted in online archives of great diversity and application. Cultural collections are increasing becoming sources for new methods in knowledge-based visualisation and, advances in web protocols make this data increasingly discoverable. There are rapidly emerging demands for theses digital resources to be analysed and ‘designed’ while simultaneously they become sources material for creative and artistic applications.
Image & Archive addresses numerous topics including:
Archival Science – Artificial Intelligence – Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality – Critical Theory – Cultural Heritage – HCI – Imaging Science (including Robotics) – Information Science – New Museology – Philosophy – Photography – Remote Sensing – Semantic Web – Social Media – Teaching and Learning – Visual Analytics – Visualization
The aim of this conference is to discuss the concept that fresh research and public engagement initiatives should be integral to ultra-high resolution scanning projects, and to examine the notion that the archive must be further reconfigured for the purposes of successful digital consumption.
In choosing this theme, VSMM 2014 can best exhibit ground breaking work in relation to wide research and criticism in these fields.
The Conference Tracks for papers and presentations are:
Track 1 – Image Science
Track 2 – Information Visualization
Track 3 – Advances in Technology
Track 4 – Culture & Heritage
Track 5 – Creative Arts & Design