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News & events > Workshop: Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Settlements

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

17 Mar 2020 - 27 Mar 2020

Workshop: Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Settlements

The 2nd Training Workshop on Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia, entitled "Understanding People, Nature, Culture: Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Settlements", will take place in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, between 17 and 27 March 2020. The workshop is organised by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA), the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Vocational and Technical Education (SEAMEO VOCTECH), the Institute of Disaster Risk Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage at Ritsumeikan University (R-DMUCH, Kyoto, Japan), the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth and the Department of Museums of Brunei Darussalam. The training workshop aims to improve conservation practice for culture and nature through the work of the World Heritage Convention, establish the contribution of World Heritage properties to sustainable development, strengthen cooperation between diverse partners, and formulate a network of collaboration for the integration of all of these aspects and activities as a crucial basis for the success of the entire programme. Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation will be established as key component parts of a new approach to integrated conservation, management and presentation of nature and culture within heritage sites to build their resilience. Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation should be adopted and made crucial and indivisible components of policies and management strategies for World Heritage sites as well as their larger contexts. The training will also discuss the implementation of effective disaster risk management planning for World Heritage sites including mitigation, adaptation and preparedness in the face of climate change and disaster risks.

Format and methodology

The contents of this training workshop will be an interdisciplinary endeavour combining cultural and natural heritage conservation, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. The 10-day course will take place both in classrooms and on-site, and will be conducted in English. It will comprise two parts:
  • Interactive lectures by resource persons with longstanding experience in cultural heritage conservation, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation for cultural heritage at regional and international levels, i.e. experts from ICCROM, the International Council of Monuments and Sites – International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICOMOS-ICORP), IUCN and R-DMUCH
  • On-site workshop activities, including field exercises in Kampong Ayer and other heritage sites in Bandar Seri Begawan, and various assignments based on the methodologies developed by R-DMUCH and ICCROM.


The maximum number of participants will be limited to 25 people, with 17 slots reserved for the SEAMEO member states (i.e. Southeast Asia). The remaining slots will be open for international applicants. Participants should:
  • be preferably mid-career (5-10 year experience) Southeast Asian or international professionals working in cultural heritage conservation such as heritage site managers, architects, landscape architects, archaeologists, curators, anthropologists, environmentalists, disaster risk managers, and who can make effective use of the result of the training course upon returning to their home countries; or those with potential of working with heritage, who may be part of a heritage office/authorities, risk management agencies, urban development institutions or a living community;
  • have English proficiency to allow discussion, exchanges and presentations;
  • attend the entire training programme;
  • be in good health and able to participate in the training programme;
  • submit all of the required documents by the stated deadlines;
  • be in a position to continue to exchange information and interact with the organizers after returning to their home countries;

Further information and registration

The deadline to apply for the workshop on "Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Settlements" is 27 December 2019. For additional information and registration, please visit