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News & events > You don’t miss your water ‘till your well runs dry' | Remembering Manus Brinkman

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07 Jul 2015

You don’t miss your water ‘till your well runs dry' | Remembering Manus Brinkman

None Manus Brinkman

We have learned with great sadness about the passing of our dear friend and valued colleague, Mr. Manus BRINKMAN, on Saturday, 4 July 2015 in Chiangmai, Thailand.

Like many of us, I was deeply sad upon hearing this news. The following personal message from Manus to his beloved partner, has been shared to Manus’ family members, friends and former colleagues all around the world, and I truly believe it is relevant for all of us who are still living:
‘the most important understanding in my life is the meaning behind the song title: “You don’t miss your water ‘till your well runs dry”’.  Realise what you have, do things you want to do, cherish it all and don’t take anything for granted.

Looking back, for me it is with no doubt that Manus had led a great deal of his life the way he wanted to until his very last moment. I believe Manus is one of the greatest contributors in the museum sector. He started his career at the Tropen Museum in Amsterdam as an educational staff before taking on the role of Director at the Children Museum Tropen Junior. After a decade of working with the Tropen Museum, he was elected as Director for the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam for 8 years. Later, between 1998 and 2004, Manus took on a position of Secretary General of the prestigious International Council of Museums (ICOM) in Paris.

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Manus moved to Chiangmai and was based there for the past ten years working as Content-Editor of the Virtual Collections of Masterpieces (VCM),  one of the most successful projects initiated by the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS). Manus had been involved in ASEMUS since its inception and had always been a great supporter to the network ever since.

We are honoured to have met and worked with Manus. It has been a privilege to hear about his knowledge and witness his passion.  It has also been a great pleasure to have shared our thoughts and laughter. Manus was and will always be a wonderful inspiration for us and we will miss him dearly. On behalf of ASEF and ASEMUS, we would like to express our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to his family, friends and colleagues.