8th Internationaler Literaturpreis

8th Internationaler Literaturpreis, from the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, the Award for contemporary literature translated into German, has an open call to German-language publishers and other proposers to submit works.
The prize focuses on the many facets of the literary practices of both writing and translating while aiming to enhance the literary canon beyond national borders. The awardees – author and translator – receive a total sum of €35,000.
What literary transactions between authors, translators, readers and publishers characterize contemporary international storytelling? How does transnational authorship determine one’s grasp of the world and narrative mindset; what linguistic polyvalences have to be mastered by translations? On June 25, the 8th Internationaler Literaturpreis – Haus der Kulturen der Welt will be awarded by Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Stiftung Elementarteilchen. The award has been conferred annually since 2009 for a work of contemporary international literature that has been translated into German for the first time.
The 2016 jury will first choose six works for the shortlist from titles submitted by German-language publishers and other proposals. The winning writer and translator are then selected from these six works. The prize focuses on the many facets of the literary practices of both writing and translating while aiming to enhance the literary canon beyond national borders. The awardees – author and translator – receive a total sum of €35,000.
On June 25, all nominated authors and their translators are invited to the Celebration of the Shortlist & Award Ceremony to talk over literature’s capabilities, themes and modes of access in discussions, readings and conversations with the jurors and other guests and offer insights into the translated works. All readings will be held in the respective original language and in their German translation. All talks will be simultaneously translated into English.
German-language publishers are invited to apply with their titles until January 31 (application form and submission procedures only available in German language).
On www.ilp-onblog.de students of literature and translation will accompany events surrounding the Internationaler Literaturpreis and enhance it with multimedia formats, interviews and background information.
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