International Fund for the Promotion of Culture | IFPC 2016 call

Are you an artist or creator? An NGO or a non-profit private body or a public body, whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artistic creation? If your project is compliant with the criteria indicated in the Operational Guidelines of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC), you can submit your project application and be considered in order to benefit from the financial support of the Fund.
Priority is given to young artists and creators aged 18 to 30 years old.
Priority shall be given, as far as possible, to requests from or benefiting countries on the latest DAC List of Official Development Assistance Recipients.
Only a limited number of projects will be approved for funding.
Please note (see guidelines for full details):
- The Fund will only fund activities with an implementation calendar of 12 months maximum, starting between 01 April and 31 May 2017
- Financial criteria: the amount of assistance required is between US$ 20,000 and US$ 100,000 and covers no more than 80% of the total project budget;
- another source of funding, whether financial or in kind, must be identified, covering at least 20% of the total estimated budget;
Eligible activities for receipt of assistance from the IFPC are:
a. the production of cultural and artistic works;
b. the organization of cultural and artistic events of national, regional and/or international
scope contributing to the establishment of culture and development strategies and programmes.
The Fund intends to support projects, which are in compliance with the criteria set out in the IFPC Operational Guidelines.
The IFPC is not linked to any UNESCO culture convention.
Please note that projects proposing activities which are considered ineligible will not be considered for evaluation. Examples of ineligible activities include:
• Projects whose main focus is capacity building / training/workshops;
• Residencies;
• Projects whose main focus is academic and/or academic research;
• Projects on inventories;
• Projects on safeguarding measures on tangible and/or intangible heritage;
• Projects which focus on cultural policy;
• Social animation projects;
• Projects whose focus is only on arts education;
• Projects whose implementation dates exceed 12 months;
• Projects whose start date is prior to 01 April 2017 or after 31 May 2017;
• Projects which have not identified another source of funding, whether financial or in-kind,
covering at least 20% co-financing of the estimated total project cost;
• Projects which do not respond to the criteria set out in the Operational Guidelines.
Note: projects regarding cultural policies, capacity building and training, inventories and safeguarding measures, are covered by other UNESCO Funds established under the Organisation's culture conventions.
Deadline for submission is 31 May 2016 at noon CEST - Paris, France time.
Due to the large number of applications, the organisers advise that there may be technical issues during the hours close to the deadline. It is recommended that you submit your project proposal well in advance of the deadline. Applications which, for technical issues or for issues of any other kind, are not received within the deadline will not be accepted.
Final selection will be made in February 2017. Successful candidates only will be notified no later than two weeks following the date of the selection.
Please note: there is a separate grant call from UNESCO for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (deadline: April 15)
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