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Opportunities > Kyoto Art Center residency 2012 | performing arts


30 Jun 2011

Kyoto Art Center residency 2012 | performing arts

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Kyoto Art Center provides Artist-in-Residence programs for emerging artists and arts researchers who wish to cultivate artistic creativities in Kyoto, Japan. 2012 residency for performing artists and researchers.

From 2012, the Center launches a new Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program. In this program there are two different categories, one is for performing artists, and the other is for visual artists. These two categories of this program will be held in alternate years starting with performing arts in 2012.

Residency AIR for Performing Arts 2012

This AIR is designed for artists and researchers in performing arts genre such as dance, music, theatre, and so on.

Application deadline: June 30th 2011
*Application must arrive no later than June 30th 2011

The application can be downloaded on the website.

Support offered by Kyoto Art Center:
-Accommodation during the residency period. (Living expenses are not included.)
-Studio in Kyoto Art Center
*Presentation space availability  will be discussed after selection.

-JPY200,000 for an individual or a group for production and/or research.


-Assistance of a program coordinator

This opportunity came via Japanese Art Scene Monitor (Thanks!)