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Resources > 100 years of cinema exhibition in Denmark – a historical profile

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13 Jun 2011

100 years of cinema exhibition in Denmark – a historical profile

"On June 7 1896 cinematographic pictures were shown for the first time in Denmark."

By Jens Rykaer
The author is President of the Film Industry's Innovative Committee / Joint Association of Danish Cinemas (FSI/DBF).


Biografteater-foreningerne 1910-1960
B. Jensen, Da Århus var Hollywood, 1969
Dansk Film, Sophienholm 1981
M. Engberg, Dansk Stummfilm I og II, 1977
Gunnar Sandfeld, Den tavse Scene, 1963
N.J. Dinnesen, E. Kau, Filmen i Danmark, 1983
Ebbe Neergaard, Historien om Dansk Film, 1960
Erik Nørgaard, Levende billeder i Danmark, 1971