AIR Array | Perspectives on Artist in Residence Programmes

Art Motile in Spain announces its new publication, AIR Array: Perspectives on Artist in Residence Programmes. It is available as a free download in English and Spanish. Learn everything you need to know about artists residencies, from the host's and artist's perspectives.
AIR Array: Perspectives on Artist in Residence Programmes is a compilation of content developed during the event AIR ARRAY: Meeting of Artist in Residence Programmes and Mobility Workshop for Artists which was held at Matadero Madrid and Casa de Velázquez - Académie de France à Madrid in March 2015.
The publication features summaries of activities which took place over the three days of the event as well as essays further exploring the key issues raised. Topics covered include:
• Practical advice for setting up and successfully running a residency
• How residencies can communicate their activities effectively
• How artists, residencies, and anyone else involved in culture can approach the phenomenon of AIR programmes from an ethical point of view
• What position AIR programmes have in relation to the rest of the contemporary art ecosystem
• Advice for artists thinking of participating in an AIR programme, or starting their own
• Practical tools and links for anyone conducting research on or those wishing to learn more about mobility opportunities for artists
We hope that this publication will be a valuable source of ideas and perspectives for anyone involved in the fields of art and culture, including artists and those working in or researching the residency scene, and that it will serve as a compendium of useful information for further investigation.
You can download the publication for free in English and in Spanish.
The publication is issued under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license so don't hesitate to share it with whomever you want. Enjoy reading!
AIR Array: Perspectives on Artist in Residence Programmes is published by Art Motile with the support of Matadero Madrid and The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the collaboration of Casa de Velázquez - Académie de France à Madrid.
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