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Resources > Arts Management Quarterly - focus: Cultural Leadership

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06 May 2019

Arts Management Quarterly - focus: Cultural Leadership

cultural leadership cover

Issue 130 of Arts Management Quarterly focuses on Cultural Leadership, with a series of articles and examinations from different international perspectives on this topic. This issue of Arts Management Quarterly tries to show how rich and multi-faceted the term Cultural Leadership can be – and at the same time, how important it is to contextualize it and to be explicit about the specific uses and local understanding of it.

Arts management is an increasingly international and transcultural field of work where there are no concepts and definitions of Cultural Leadership valid and applicable to everyone. Therefore, this issue of Arts Management Quarterly wants to show different perceptions characterized by specific working realities, professional biographies and regional contexts.

Most approaches on Cultural Leadership come from the Western academic hemisphere. But every country and arts sector is shaped by different experiences and circumstances. This is why personal und subjective perceptions by practitioners and researchers are the focus of this issue. Cultural Leadership is thereby both happily embraced and rejected.

But despite these differences, all contributions show a development towards a community-oriented understanding of Cultural Leadership that does not have to be neutral or universal, but is aware of its subjectivity and on that base can help fostering relationships, shared beliefs and common goals in international arts management.

You can download the issue on the Arts Management Quarterly site